Saturday, 31 January 2015

Coming Soon...

Halcyon was once calm, peaceful, and tranquil. Its people led a blissful, idyllic life. The land was green and lush.

That was before the Outbreak.

They called it the Happening. When three objects lit up the sky. The three objects loomed larger by the hour, until finally, they exploded. As they exploded, they scattered their deadly cargo across the land. Paradoxically, the deadly cargo brought life. But it was the kind of life that would change Halcyon forever.

The first object exploded over Windswept Plateau. Before long the plateau-dwellers were struck by a mysterious illness. They became pale and listless, and developed an inexplicable craving for human blood. Those who succumbed, survived. Those who resisted, died. Before long, the plateau-dwellers ventured out onto the Great Rift looking for sustenance. There, they preyed on the rift-dwellers like shadows in the night.

The second object exploded over Howling Wood. The wolves became voracious, their appetite insatiable. Before long, they wiped out the forest’s wildlife. That’s when they turned their attention onto the forest-dwellers. Night after night, the forest-dwellers fought back. Wolf carcasses were eaten out of desperation. But by avoiding starvation, the forest-dwellers sealed their own fate. Before long, they succumbed to a fever, and eventually fell unconscious. Days later, they awoke with a desperate craving for human flesh and the curious ability to shapeshift. The forest-dwellers ventured out onto the Great Rift to satisfy their craving. Their raids brought chaos and devastation.

The third object exploded over the Great Rift. Before long, wretched creatures appeared out of nowhere, spewing out black plumes of vitriol. Those infected became mindless husks, driven by the need to infect others. They became know as reapers .

And so the rift-dwellers were preyed on from all sides. They became known as runners, and the Great Rift became known as Death Valley.

Sunday, 11 January 2015


Artur and Troy inch forward. The rest follow. A high-pitched howl reaches out from the darkness. They hear more rustling in the undergrowth, this time closer. The solitary howl, slowly develops into a chorus.

Dark shadows appear out of nowhere.

Troy glances back.

“Time to make a stand!”

The group readies itself.

Troy turns back towards the undergrowth.

The shadows have vanished.

Troy and Artur strain to locate their stalkers.

Troy glances across at Artur.

“Where did they go!”

Just when Troy thinks he’s spotted something, it fades back into the undergrowth. The group stand perfectly still, and wait for something to happen.

The wolves finally decide to make a move. A dozen flame red eyes light up, and peer back through the undergrowth. Twigs snap, as five over-sized wolves creep out into the open, their black, shabby coats, now clearly visible. The leader inches forward snarling, and foaming at the mouth.

The pack follows closely.

Artur beckons the leader on.

“Here doggy-doggy!”