Author's Bio

Eugenio Salvato was born in Sheffield, United Kingdom in 1966. A son of Italian immigrants, he grew up in the 1980s when computers were “the future”. Against his better judgement he embarked on a career in computing. A career that was financially rewarding, but personally demanding. With more money than he could spend, and no time to spend it, he decided enough was enough. At the age of forty, he gave it all up. For the next seven years he focussed on pursuing his interests and making up for lost time. The years passed quickly… and allowed plenty of time for reflection.

One day, he woke up and realised.

“It’s time… I need a new challenge.”

He decided he owed it to himself to pursue something he wanted to do. Something he enjoyed doing. He wanted to make a contribution. He wanted to make his mark. But what was that something he wanted to do? He only knew it wasn’t computing. He delved deep into his psyche, and searched for an answer. Months went by without result. Then, one day, it struck him. As an aspiring young man, he dreamed of becoming a writer, but somehow allowed others to discourage him. He failed to follow his heart…

Until now. (less)

Find Eugenio at the following places.

Goodreads: Eugenio_Salvato
Twitter: gino_salvato

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Books by Eugenio Salvato

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